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What happens after taking abortion pills
You’ll experience bleeding and some cramping. It’s very important you use pads and not tampons to avoid infection. You’ll be advised to take pain relief in the form of Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen. Please do not take Aspirin.
The cramps may become strong – this is a normal part of the abortion process. Bleeding may get heavier and you may pass clots. This is usually at the time you begin to lose your pregnancy. Often the pregnancy is passed into the toilet. You may not see it specifically, and it may appear as a clot.
Side effects of the medication may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and shivering. Once the pregnancy has been passed, your bleeding will usually lessen and become like a slightly heavier period. It may continue to be quite heavy for a day or two as the uterus needs to contract and return to its normal size.
Most women pass the pregnancy within 4 or 5 hours after taking the misoprostol. For others it can be quicker or take longer.
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